Doc. MUDr. Jan Kábrt, CSc.
Professional education
- Defence of inaugural thesis at 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, on the subject of "Diagnosis and treatment of some determined defects of nutrition"
- Defence of candidate's dissertation entitled "Ascorbic Acid in Hypophysis, its concentration and relation to adenohypophysical functions"
- Second-level attestation in Internal Medicine
- First-level attestation in Internal Medicine
- First Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Medicine cum laude
Work experience
since 2010
- Health+
- Senior consultant, department of internal medicine, Clinicum Vysočany
- Medical doctor specialist, 3rd Internal clinic, General Faculty Hospital, Prague 2
- Independent doctor at Na Homolce hospital
- Head physician, department of internal medicine, Na Homolce hospital
- Leading physician at Metabolic unit, 3rd Internal clinic, General Faculty Hospital, Charles University
- Assistant specialist and from 1994 assistant professor at 3rd Internal clinic General Faculty Hospital, Charles University
- Secondary physician 3rd Internal clinic, General Faculty Hospital, Charles University
- Full-time research assistant at Institute of Pathological Physiology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University
Membership of professional organizations
- European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
- Committee of the Society of Clinical Nutrition and Intensive Metabolic Care
- Czech Gastroenterological Society
- Czech Diabet Society
- Czech Society of Internal Medicine
Other professional activities
- Assistance in organization and participation in the international medical congress ESPEN in Prague 2007
- Instructor of enteral nutrition and metabolic care with Internal Medicine accreditation – Na Homolce hospital
- Over 20 years of pedagogical experience – teaching medical students at First Faculty of Medicine and since 2000 also Third Faculty of Medicine (as an external lecturer), Charles University, Prague
- Over 100 publications in both Czech and international magazines, mainly about the metabolism and nutritional disorders
Language skills
- English – fluent
- Russian – intermediate
Hobbies and interests
- Skiing, cycling, hitchhiking, travelling, culture