Prevention System
A prevention-oriented approach prevents many chronic diseases and offers the best way to keep you healthy. Our goal is your long, healthy, active and happy life.

Primary and Secondary Prevention
At Health+, we emphasize individualized primary prevention to prevent the development of disease. We focus equally on secondary prevention. We diagnose disease at an early stage, treat it successfully and ensure that its course does not worsen.
Our care is based not only on general population recommendations, but also on an assessment of your individual risks.
Your Medical History and Health Plan
The foundation of our preventive care is an one-hour consultation during which you and your personal physician will discuss your family and personal medical history in detail.
At subsequent appointments, your physician will interpret the new results in the context of the previous ones, establishing health trends and a health plan, including how you have been able to meet it so far.

The Most Important Pillars of Preventive Care
Preventive Care in Our Programs
A basic preventive checkup in the Garnet program includes an analysis of biochemical values such as cholesterol, blood sugar or uric acid. When these are indicated, we assess not only general risks, such as your age, but also individual risks – family history, eating habits, smoking or being overweight.
If you are one of our clients in the Sapphire or Diamond programs, at each preventive check-up we will examine your abdominal area with a sonogram and analyze a wide range of biochemical parameters. For women over 40, we examine bone metabolism and vitamin D levels, and for men, hormone levels. This will give us a comprehensive picture of your health.