MUDr. Ivan Kolombo, FEBU
Professional education
- Defence of prestigious international examination in urology in Paris - title FEBU
- Second-level attestation in Urology
- First-level attestation in Urology
- Second-level attestation in Surgery
- First-level attestation in Surgery
- Military Medical Academy, Charles University - VLA JEP, Hradec Králové
since 2010
- Health+
since 2005
- Private practice
- Hospital in Turnov - surgery and urology
- Central Military Hospital, Prague - surgery and urology
Membership of professional organisations
- Czech Urological Society
- Society for Robotic Surgery
- Czech Surgical Society
- Society for Metabolic Diseases of Skeleton
- Member of International Urological Society
- European Association of Urology
- Corresponding member of the American Urological Society
- International Andrological Society
- Member of the editorial of a professional magazine for physicians - Urology for Practice and Endoscopy
Other professional activities
- Chief author or co-author of over 150 professional articles, publications and lectures, focusing primary on urogenital infections and uro-oncological issues
- Chief author: Skeletal Disability in Uro-Oncology (Galén 2005), Infection of the Urinary Tract (Galén 20)
- Regular publications whitin the framework of professional medical programmes (Czech and international professional magazines)
- Chief author and editor of a new multimedia monograph devoted to the topic of Prostate Cancer In the Era of Robotic Technologies, published by an internationl team in cooperation with the University of Electronics
- New monograph concerned with kidney cancer currently being comleted
- Developing robotic techniques on the operating system daVinci (primarily oncosurgical radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer and reconstructive procedures) in the Centre for Robotic Surgery and Urology of Na Homolce hospital
- Regular lectures on specialist medical programmes, domestic and international symposia Vancouver, Stockholm, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava, Zagreb, Yekaterinburg etc.)
- Specialist lecturer in several postgraduate specialist educational programmes at the University of Electronics
- Cooperation as a professional supervisor the leading patient organization associating patients with prostate cancer Arcus-EuropaDona (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague)
- Lectures - professional primarily urological and uro-oncological issues for physicians in postgraduate education (Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education / ILF, Prague)
- Assistance in coordination and management of preventive programmes in serious urological and oncological diseases in cooperation with Arcus-EuropaDona- Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education Prague, further in electronic form of health care in the programme Health or in educational programmes broadcast on the Czech Radio.
Language skills
- English
- Russian
- German
Hobbies and interests
- Sport, nature