Christmas is coming and with it comes lots of sweets, food and festive treats that are hard to resist. What can you do to avoid putting on a few extra kilos after the holidays
What should parents pay attention to in order to instill in their offspring the right principles of taking care of their mental health and promote their resilience to stress?
Histamine intolerance (HIT) affects 1-3% of the population in a permanent form. However, the transient form can afflict anyone.
Summer holidays may not only be accompanied by pleasant experiences, but sometimes also by unexpected and unwelcome health problems.
We would like to remind you of an ongoing exhibition from the curatorial cycle Vita Bene, which every 4 months brings the works of artists to the premises of our polyclinic.
The basic ways of preventing common functional pain disorders are the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
Physiotherapy is a medical discipline that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
In the neurological outpatient clinic, we most often see patients with vertebrogenic difficulties, i.e. related to the spine, namely the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.
Revmatické choroby mají velmi odlišné příčiny, rozmanité projevy, a tedy i různou léčbu.
The basis for a robust health into old age is a healthy lifestyle and systematic prevention.
Massages help to stretch and oxygenate the muscles and improve blood circulation, in addition to having other positive effects.